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About project:
Our site is dedicated to decapod's species identification. There are two ways to determine the desired species: by the place of capture (if known) or by appearance. The systematic structure of the site corresponds to the taxonomic structure of the order Decapoda published in WoRMS. The geographic structure of the site is limited to the locations from which decapods were obtained. For those regions where the author worked for a long time, lists of species have been compiled. Full check-list maid for the Black Sea - Azov Basin. Preliminary check-lists made for The Seas of Far East of Russia, Antarctic and for the Barents Sea.
During the 20th century, significant changes took place in the hydrological situation and in the composition of the flora and fauna of almost the entire globe. Many animals and plants have significantly expanded their range and this process continues. In this regard, it becomes important to correctly determine the species and compile regional lists of animals that have long lived in a certain place and species that have recently appeared there. The practical significance of this action lies in the identification of new invasive species and in the extinction of native species, the occurrence of which can serve as an indicator of environmental change associated with pollution or climate change.
The problem of accurately determining the species composition in the region is closely related to the complexity of the correct individual identification of the species of animals. The most common two methods of definition are: - classical binary keys (identification tables) and atlases. Traditional keys have some disadvantages. Namely:
  • you need to have a good understanding of the external structure of Decapoda and know the names of the organs and their parts, given for the definition. Those. you need to be an expert;
  • if a non-specialist does not work with text keys, then an unreasonable amount of time can be spent on such work. And if the taxonomic features indicated in the text are not enough or they are ambiguous, then an error may occur in the definition;
  • most of the existing keys were developed on the description of fixed material, which sometimes makes it difficult to apply them to live individuals;
  • not all works containing text keys are accompanied by illustrations, which significantly increase the speed and accuracy of the definition; and if they are accompanied, they are not always of good quality, which also interferes with the correct definition.
In humans, the visual perception of information prevails over others. For this reason, atlases, which contain drawings or photographs of animals, give a much faster and more accurate result in determining the species. This method was the basis for our website.
Anatomy of Decapoda      
Decapoda in aquarium      
Commercial Decapods      
Deep-water Decapods      
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