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Infraorder Brachyura // Family Polybiidae // Genus Liocarcinus
  Liocarcinus navigator (Herbst, 1794) Larvae development
Synonyms: Portunus longipes Risso. Rathke, 1837 Only for Black Sea
Portunus arcuatus Leach. Ulyanin, 1872 Only for Black Sea
Macropipus arcuatus Leach, 1815 Băcescu, 1967 Only for Black Sea
Liocarcinus arcuatus Leach, 1814 Makarov, 2004 Only for Black Sea
Polybius navigator (Herbst, 1794) Micu&Micu, 2006 Only for Black Sea
North-East Atlantic from the coasts of England and Norway to Spain, as well as in the seas of the Mediterranean basin and the Black Sea. It occurs at a depth of 3-40 m, mainly on sandy soil with shells, clean sand, less often on silt (Kobyakova, Dolgopolskaya, 1969). In samples collected in the Kara-Dag region in 1928-32, this species was found at depths from 11 to 40 meters, and the largest number of individuals (75%) was recorded at a depth of 15-20 m (Lyakhov, 1940). Probably, in the Black Sea, this species was a constant component of the oyster fauna, since according to the literature data, it was noted practically during any dredging of oyster men, as well as in samples from a large phyllophore field (Zernov, 1913).
North East Atlantic Black Sea    
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