The native areal of blue crab is a coastal zone of the western Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to northern Argentina, including Bermuda and Antilles (Van Engel, 1958; Eldredge, 1995). Off the coast of Europe, the blue crab was first observed in 1900 at the mouth R. Gironde (Shaverdashvili, Ninua, 1975). Currently, it is found almost along the entire eastern coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in the North, Mediterranean, Black, and Azov Seas (Squires, 1990; Diripasko et al., 2009). In the Black Sea, it was first found in the Varna Bay in 1967 (Bulgurkov, 1968). For the second time, C. sapidus was recorded near Poti in 1971 (Shaverdashvili and Ninua, 1975). In 1975 - in the Kerch Strait (Monin, 1984). Recently, there have been regular reports of its findings in different regions of the Black Sea (Petrescu et al, 2000; Petrescu et al, 2010; Pashkov et al., 2011; Yağlioğlu et al, 2014). Since 2006, the blue crab has also been recorded in the Sea of Azov (Diripasko et al., 2009). |