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Infraorder Brachyura Latreille, 1802
Family Ocypodidae Rafinesque, 1815 
Family contain 4 subfamilies (WoRMS, 2017):
Gelasiminae Miers, 1886 - include 9 genera: Austruca, Cranuca, Gelasimus, Leptuca, Minuca, Paraleptuca, Petruca, Tubuca, Xeruca.
Ocypodinae Rafinesque, 1815 - include 1 genus - Ocypode.
Ucidinae Števčić, 2005 - include 1 genus - Ucides.
Ucinae Dana, 1851 - include 2 genera: Afruca, Uca.
Subfamily Gelasiminae Miers, 1886
Genus Austruca Bott, 1973   Genus Gelasimus Latreille, 1817
Genus Tubuca Bott, 1973
Subfamily Ocypodinae Rafinesque, 1815
Genus Ocypode Weber, 1795
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