North Atlantic |
North Pacific |
Norwegian Sea |
Barents Sea |
Kara Sea |
Laptev Sea |
List of species of Decapoda |
Photo of Decapoda |
Habitat |
The White Sea is an inland sea, it belongs to the water area of the Arctic Ocean. It connects only with the Barents Sea. The border between them is considered to be a line drawn from Cape Svyatoy Nos to Cape Kanin Nos. The White Sea-Baltic Canal connects the White Sea with the Baltic and Volga-Baltic waterways. The large rivers Kem, Mezen, Onega, Ponoi, Northern Dvina and many small rivers flow into the White Sea. Its surface area is 90 thousand km², the maximum sea depth is 343 meters, the average is 67 meters. The tidal wave from the Barents Sea is semi-diurnal. The average height of the syzygy tides ranges from 0.6 to 3 meters, in some narrow bays it reaches 7 meters. |
The sea is covered with ice every year about for 6 - 7 months. The salinity of sea water is not uniform. In surface waters of the sea, salinity is 26 ‰ and lower, and in deep waters - up to 31 ‰. Desalinated surface water moves along the eastern shores of the sea and flows through the Gorlo into the Barents Sea, from where more saline waters enter the White Sea along the western shores. An annular counterclockwise current is observed in the center of the sea. |
20 species of Decapoda have been recorded in the White Sea. |
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