The homeland of this species is the Pacific coast of Southeast Asia and the seas adjacent to it. The first finding outside of the natural range of the species dates back to the 1950s, when the species was discovered in San Francisco Bay, California (Newman, 1963). Currently, this species is widely distributed off the Pacific coast of the United States, where it is called the "eastern shrimp" (Ruiz et al, 2000; Elder, 2009). The second find outside the natural range occurred in the 1970s in southeastern Australia (Newcastle), where Asian shrimp took root well (Buckworth, 1979; Holthuis, 1980; Pollard and Hutchings, 1990; Bruce, Coombes, 1997; Walker, Poore , 2003). In the estuaries of the Stour and Orwell rivers in the UK, P. macrodactylus was first found in 2004 (Ashelby et al, 2004), and collection data showed its presence on the Thames River as early as 1992 (Worsfold and Ashelby, 2006). In the period from 2004 to 2009. this species was found almost throughout Europe. In 2006, P. macrodactylus was found in the Mar de Plata Gulf of Argentina (Spivak et al, 2006). In 2009, quite large populations of this species were found in the Black Sea in the area of Constanta, Romania (Micu, Niţă, 2009), and in 2010 - in the Varna Bay, Bulgaria (Raykov et al, 2010). Euryhaline look. It can be found in water with a salinity of 5-35%. In native habitats, it is usually found in estuaries, with a salinity range of 1 to 32%, the highest density forms in the upper part of river mouths, with a salinity of 10% or less (Ogawa et al, 1983; Gonzalez Ortegon et al, 2006)... Biological features suggest that this shrimp will soon become a common species in the Black Sea. |